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名称 | 默认信息文字 |
当前信息文字 | |
api-error-unknown-warning (讨论) (翻译) | 未知的警告:“$1”。 |
api-error-unknownerror (讨论) (翻译) | 未知错误:$1。 |
api-error-uploaddisabled (讨论) (翻译) | 该wiki停用上传。 |
api-error-verification-error (讨论) (翻译) | 该文件可能损坏或扩展名错误。 |
api-error-was-deleted (讨论) (翻译) | 此名称的文件曾被上传,随后被删除。 |
api-format-prettyprint-header (讨论) (翻译) | 这是$1格式的HTML表示。HTML对调试很有用,但不适合应用程序使用。 指定<var>format</var>参数以更改输出格式。要查看$1格式的非HTML表示,设置<kbd>format=$2</kbd>。 参见[[mw:API|完整文档]],或[[Special:ApiHelp/main|API 帮助]]以获取更多信息。 |
api-format-prettyprint-header-only-html (讨论) (翻译) | 这是用来调试的HTML表现,不适合实际使用。 参见[[mw:API|完整文档]],或[[Special:ApiHelp/main|API帮助]]以获取更多信息。 |
api-format-title (讨论) (翻译) | MediaWiki API 结果 |
api-help-authmanager-general-usage (讨论) (翻译) | The general procedure to use this module is: # Fetch the fields available from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$4</kbd>, and a <kbd>$5</kbd> token from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+tokens|action=query&meta=tokens]]. # Present the fields to the user, and obtain their submission. # Post to this module, supplying <var>$1returnurl</var> and any relevant fields. # Check the <samp>status</samp> in the response. #* If you received <samp>PASS</samp> or <samp>FAIL</samp>, you're done. The operation either succeeded or it didn't. #* If you received <samp>UI</samp>, present the new fields to the user and obtain their submission. Then post to this module with <var>$1continue</var> and the relevant fields set, and repeat step 4. #* If you received <samp>REDIRECT</samp>, direct the user to the <samp>redirecttarget</samp> and wait for the return to <var>$1returnurl</var>. Then post to this module with <var>$1continue</var> and any fields passed to the return URL, and repeat step 4. #* If you received <samp>RESTART</samp>, that means the authentication worked but we don't have an linked user account. You might treat this as UI or as FAIL. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-additional-params (讨论) (翻译) | This module accepts additional parameters depending on the available authentication requests. Use <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd> (or a previous response from this module, if applicable) to determine the requests available and the fields that they use. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-continue (讨论) (翻译) | This request is a continuation after an earlier <samp>UI</samp> or <samp>REDIRECT</samp> response. Either this or <var>$1returnurl</var> is required. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-mergerequestfields (讨论) (翻译) | Merge field information for all authentication requests into one array. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-messageformat (讨论) (翻译) | Format to use for returning messages. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-preservestate (讨论) (翻译) | Preserve state from a previous failed login attempt, if possible. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-request (讨论) (翻译) | Use this authentication request, by the <samp>id</samp> returned from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd>. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-requests (讨论) (翻译) | Only use these authentication requests, by the <samp>id</samp> returned from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd> or from a previous response from this module. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-returnurl (讨论) (翻译) | Return URL for third-party authentication flows, must be absolute. Either this or <var>$1continue</var> is required. Upon receiving a <samp>REDIRECT</samp> response, you will typically open a browser or web view to the specified <samp>redirecttarget</samp> URL for a third-party authentication flow. When that completes, the third party will send the browser or web view to this URL. You should extract any query or POST parameters from the URL and pass them as a <var>$1continue</var> request to this API module. |
api-help-datatypes (讨论) (翻译) | 一些在API请求中的参数类型需要更进一步解释: ;boolean :布尔参数就像HTML复选框一样工作:如果指定参数,无论何值都被认为是真。如果要假值,则可完全忽略参数。 ;timestamp :时间戳可被指定为很多格式。推荐使用ISO 8601日期和时间标准。所有时间为UTC时间,包含的任何时区会被忽略。 :* ISO 8601日期和时间,<kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var>T<var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var>Z</kbd>(标点和<kbd>Z</kbd>是可选项) :* 带小数秒(会被忽略)的ISO 8601日期和时间,<kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var>T<var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var>.<var>00001</var>Z</kbd>(破折号、括号和<kbd>Z</kbd>是可选的) :* MediaWiki格式,<kbd><var>2001</var><var>01</var><var>15</var><var>14</var><var>56</var><var>00</var></kbd> :* 一般数字格式,<kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd>(<kbd>GMT</kbd>、<kbd>+<var>##</var></kbd>或<kbd>-<var>##</var></kbd>的可选时区会被忽略) :* EXIF格式,<kbd><var>2001</var>:<var>01</var>:<var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :* RFC 2822格式(时区可能会被省略),<kbd><var>Mon</var>, <var>15</var> <var>Jan</var> <var>2001</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :* RFC 850格式(时区可能会被省略),<kbd><var>Monday</var>, <var>15</var>-<var>Jan</var>-<var>2001</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :* C ctime格式,<kbd><var>Mon</var> <var>Jan</var> <var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var> <var>2001</var></kbd> :* 秒数是从1970-01-01T00:00:00Z开始,作为1到13位数的整数(除了<kbd>0</kbd>) :* 字符串<kbd>now</kbd> |
api-help-datatypes-header (讨论) (翻译) | 数据类型 |
api-help-examples (讨论) (翻译) | {{PLURAL:$1|例子}}: |
api-help-fallback-description (讨论) (翻译) | $1 |
api-help-fallback-example (讨论) (翻译) | $1 |
api-help-fallback-parameter (讨论) (翻译) | $1 |
api-help-flag-deprecated (讨论) (翻译) | 此模块已弃用。 |
api-help-flag-generator (讨论) (翻译) | 此模块可作为发生器使用。 |
api-help-flag-internal (讨论) (翻译) | <strong>此模块是内部或不稳定的。</strong>它的操作可以更改而不另行通知。 |
api-help-flag-mustbeposted (讨论) (翻译) | 此模块只允许POST请求。 |
api-help-flag-readrights (讨论) (翻译) | 此模块需要读取权限。 |
api-help-flag-writerights (讨论) (翻译) | 此模块需要写入权限。 |
api-help-flags (讨论) (翻译) | |
api-help-help-urls (讨论) (翻译) | |
api-help-lead (讨论) (翻译) | 这是自动生成的MediaWiki API文档页面。 文档和例子:https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page/zh |
api-help-license (讨论) (翻译) | 许可协议:[[$1|$2]] |
api-help-license-noname (讨论) (翻译) | 许可协议:[[$1|参见链接]] |
api-help-license-unknown (讨论) (翻译) | 许可协议:<span class="apihelp-unknown">未知</span> |
api-help-main-header (讨论) (翻译) | 主模块 |
api-help-open-in-apisandbox (讨论) (翻译) | <small>[在沙盒中打开]</small> |
api-help-param-continue (讨论) (翻译) | 当更多结果可用时,使用这个继续。 |
api-help-param-default (讨论) (翻译) | 默认:$1 |
api-help-param-default-empty (讨论) (翻译) | 默认:<span class="apihelp-empty">(空)</span> |
api-help-param-deprecated (讨论) (翻译) | 不推荐使用。 |
api-help-param-direction (讨论) (翻译) | 列举的方向: ;newer:最早的优先。注意:$1start应早于$1end。 ;older:最新的优先(默认)。注意:$1start应晚于$1end。 |
api-help-param-disabled-in-miser-mode (讨论) (翻译) | 由于[[mw:Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser模式]]而禁用。 |
api-help-param-integer-max (讨论) (翻译) | {{PLURAL:$1|值}}必须不大于$3。 |
api-help-param-integer-min (讨论) (翻译) | {{PLURAL:$1|值}}必须不少于$2。 |
api-help-param-integer-minmax (讨论) (翻译) | {{PLURAL:$1|值}}必须介于$2和$3之间。 |
api-help-param-limit (讨论) (翻译) | 不允许超过$1。 |
api-help-param-limit2 (讨论) (翻译) | 不允许超过$1个(对于机器人则是$2个)。 |
api-help-param-limited-in-miser-mode (讨论) (翻译) | <strong>注意:</strong>由于[[mw:Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser模式]],使用这个可能导致继续前返回少于<var>$1limit</var>个结果;极端情况下可能不会返回任何结果。 |
api-help-param-list (讨论) (翻译) | {{PLURAL:$1|1=以下值中的一个|2=值(以<kbd>{{!}}</kbd>分隔)}}:$2 |
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